Client Care: 8004420066


iMed is a licensed medical entity providing home medical care. As a distinguished facility in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we offer a home visit to a doctor, nursing care, physiotherapy sessions, and therapeutic nutrition. We provide you with a list of distinguished and accredited medical laboratories, and we leave you the choice to request your medical tests through any of them. You can easily access our services via our mobile Apps and website. To ensure the highest quality of the provided service, we carefully selected our team of expert health care professionals and practitioners, who are licensed by the Health Specialties Authority. We are committed to locally approved medical standards that are in line with international standards. To serve one of the pillars of the vision by building a vibrant society with an efficient and healthy system


Our services

Our services 

Nutrition therapeutic follow up

برامج غذايئة مخصصة ومتابعة التغذية العلاجية لمن يعاني

Home physiotherapy sessions

لجلسات العلاج الطبيعي العلاجية والتأهيلية وحالات الإص

Home Medical physician visit

للكشف على الحالات المرضية والمتابعة العلاجية

Nursing care service

غيارات جروح و إعطاء حقن طبية وتركيب المحاليل



Ensure home medical care, in accordance with the approved standards
through high technologies,to build a vibrant community with an
effective health system


Enhance the health well-being of individuals and society 


confidence; commitment; Quality; Collaboration; Responsibility